True Surface
That’s why True-Surface® manufactures turf maintenance equipment designed to keep your greens healthy and your members happy. Put your trust in a company who has been manufacturing turf maintenance equipment for over 20 years. Our qualified staff builds quality turf maintenance products.
Everyone wants more bang for their buck, so choose a golf course greens roller with options! When you choose the True-Surface® Vibe V™ Vibratory Greens Rollers, you are choosing a revolutionary multi-tasking turf roller. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFOMRATION
The Greens Care Collection (GCC) consists of three frames that attach directly to your existing triplex greens mower. Each frame has the ability to switch out from 13 different inserts. FOR MORE INFORMATION CLICK HERE
Walk behind greens mowers… we have an attachment for that too! True-Surface® is not just a triplex greens mower attachment anymore, True-Surface® Trekker™ products are designed to attach directly to your walk behind. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
The True-Surface® Flex Brush is both, a topdressing and grooming brush – 2 in 1! Quickly attach the Flex Brush to your triplex greensmower and use it in conjunction with your True-Surface®Greens Care Collection, your True-Surface® Vibe V, or even your triplex cutting reels! CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
The NV 3×3™ is the True-Surface® Non-Vibratory option for rolling your golf greens. Its tri-rolling system uses three rollers instead of just one to smooth the surface and create consistent greens. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
The True-Surface® Ninja Star attaches to the True-Surface® Vibratory Roller to aerate and allow water penetration. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION